Annual Notifications

You will continue to receive notification emails with a link to the FDS when it is time for you to complete your annual disclosure. The FDS is also designed to be used throughout the year for financial interest updates.

Converted Data from Your Last Disclosure

To help reduce initial data entry, your FDS has been prepopulated with as many data elements as possible from your most recent disclosure. All future disclosures will retain data from the previous submission.

New Research Disclosure Form (RDF)

The annual FDS no longer contains research data and you will not be asked to provide such information in that form. If research details are needed, COI Program staff will request this information from you via a separate Research Disclosure Form (RDF).


A new travel disclosure form included in the COI Module replaces the Excel spreadsheet you have been using. Based on your research funding sources (i.e. those using PHS regulations), you will continue to receive email reminders to disclose travel occurrences paid for by outside entities. See the updated travel guidance for more information.